Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring Means Walking and Yard Work

Our weather has been on a roller coaster ride since the beginning of March, but somehow Luke and I have managed to walk a minimum of 3.2 miles/5 kilometers most days.  A few rainy days never had a gap in the rain to permit us getting out.  Stefanie would always say that her mom and dad were practicing for Disney.  She wasn’t far from right.  We do walk mainly for our health, but walking definitely gets us ready for a Disney vacation.  For the month of March we walked a total of 80.04 miles.  I’m hoping for 90 miles by the end of April.  During today’s walk we battled 25+ mph winds the entire time with a few much strong wind gusts.  The high was only in the upper 50s so the wind chill was a factor as well.  At 3 miles Luke asked how much further I wanted to go.  My reply was “I want to go home.  I’m tired of fighting the wind.”  :rofl:   We still had a quarter of a mile before we were back inside though.  :)

Yesterday after our walk on the farthest section of our city’s Greenbelt from our home, we stopped in at Menard’s to pick up a few things and to check out the tree selections.  We had planted two small tulip poplars last year a few weeks before our May Disney trip.  These were wee little trees that unfortunately did not survive the summer.  We really wanted to replace these with some sturdier young trees.  None were available yet at Menard’s, so Luke asked if I’d mind going to Rural King.   Here the selection was much more comprehensive and the trees were already a fair size.  :woot:  We pulled out the tallest two tulip poplars and then we also saw some Jane Magnolia trees.  Luke has wanted a miniature magnolia for some time now to put in the same area as our white Dogwood that his family purchased for us on the anniversary of Stefanie’s passing.  So that went in the cart as well.  We got to the entrance to the store and the trees were too tall to enter safely.  Luke headed inside with the sales tags and soon our trees were loaded up.  At home Luke began the process of planting all three while I picked up limbs from our weeping willow in the front yard that had succumbed to the mild wind we had yesterday.  You’d never know I’d cleaned up as the yard is even more covered in branches after the high winds today.  That’ll be a job for Monday.  :smirk: 


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