Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A Shared Room
28 years leads to a strong sense of deja vu. Been there, done that. But still full of excitement and hopefulness as yet another school year begins. Sharing a room. You know we'll be inhabiting a rather square room with each other for at least 90 minutes every other day. I can't wait to get to know each of you and then to watch you grow as we learn together. I truly believe learning should be fun as often as possible. Reality is that some things we will read and some things we write may not turn out quite as I plan, though I will always have the best of intentions. We'll just all have to remember that learning and life is a journey. We'll all make mistakes, so let's just plan now to forgive each other's goof ups. True redemption leads us to good. We'll learn from our mistakes as much, if not more, than we learn from our successes. I'm ready to begin, how about you?
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I joined now.
Hi I joined
look at me commenting on blogs!
What's the real point of saying 'I joined now'. Those comments are basically useless, as anyone can tell that you posting is a sign you joined. Then again, that makes this comment useless too.
I wonder what's for dinner...
This is so fun!
Ok so blogging is going to be fun! Haha.
I mean really, why don't we all just comment with "This is a comment"....?
Hey Bible Man, I see you, and I joined now.
I'm excited to blog all year.
ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews ms. matthews
ms. matthews!
haha this is going to be fun! :D
My next comment is false
I hope you have a great weekend!!
i'm ready to blog :)
this sounds fun
My previous comment is true
This definitely will be fun!
(Set to tune of "I'll Make A Man Out Of You", Mulan)
Let's get down to business!
To write the Blogs!
What will we write today?
How about our dogs?
This is the only blog that I have read,
But you can bet before were through
Mister, I'll read alot before June.
(Get over the fact that I'm a Disney Dork)
How exciting! :D
I love that song.
Lets get down to business!
To defeat the Huns! Ha!
...something something something.
And Mr Illl make a mannnn out offf youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Hi, I commented (:
Jacob Merimee has joined the game. I thought the name Jacob would be taken, so I kinda went with somethin off the norm. Yay me.
Bonjour Madame!
Post ending in 99 tells what I get for lunch on August 26th
I rike this brogging!
Woo 40 comments!
think everyone should 'follow' me.
Maybe if we can get 300, Ms. Matthews will let us watch a movie because we are so committed to succeeding.
Follow me!
Do it!
ha figured it out yeah!
I'm ready to learn, even though i know i probably will make a lot of mistakes along the way.
I have made alot of mistakes in my life and they have helped me learn how to make my life better.
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