Tuesday, August 18, 2009


What does family mean to me? I have two sisters, one is three years younger than me and the other is six years younger. Yeah, I'm the oldest. For most of our growing up years, I was the typcial bossy older sister. In fact Pam (sister 1) liked to refer to me as Marcia (like the Brady Bunch). I love my family, and truthfully, that no matter what they love and support me. We haven't always gotten along, and I might have called them names a time or two. But don't you dare call them a name because as their big sister I'll always be there to defend them.

Friday, August 14, 2009

How'd We Do

Work is way more tiring than summer vacation. But teaching energizes me! Week One may not have gone according to plan, but who says life should be rushed, especially if it's just to mark items off the to do list. Beowulf will soon be coming to life again as we decide whether he is an epic hero and determine what exactly is his quest. And Janie will come of age as we analyze what we've read over the summer. Thanks to all for one of the best starts! Let's get busy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Shared Room

28 years leads to a strong sense of deja vu. Been there, done that. But still full of excitement and hopefulness as yet another school year begins. Sharing a room. You know we'll be inhabiting a rather square room with each other for at least 90 minutes every other day. I can't wait to get to know each of you and then to watch you grow as we learn together. I truly believe learning should be fun as often as possible. Reality is that some things we will read and some things we write may not turn out quite as I plan, though I will always have the best of intentions. We'll just all have to remember that learning and life is a journey. We'll all make mistakes, so let's just plan now to forgive each other's goof ups. True redemption leads us to good. We'll learn from our mistakes as much, if not more, than we learn from our successes. I'm ready to begin, how about you?